package Template; #/A1z/Html5/ =pod =head1 NAME HTML5 Template for use in Perl scripts to create web sites easily. =head1 SYNOPSIS my $object = Template->new( foo => 'bar', flag => 1, ); $object->dummy; =head1 DESCRIPTION Create complete mobile ready web pages/apps easily with this HTML5 compatible/enabled interface/module in less than 20 lines! =head1 METHODS =cut use 5.10.0; use strict; #use warnings; # backwards compatibility to 5.6 # use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT_OK); use parent qw(Exporter); require Exporter; our @ISA = ("Exporter"); our $VERSION = '0.05'; # see git branch for latest version. # - Why _OK instead of just EXPORT our @EXPORT_OK = qw(header start_html head_title head_meta head_js_css end_head begin_body body_js_css body_topnavbar body_accordion end_body end_html ); =pod =head2 new my $object = Template->new( foo => 'bar', ); The C constructor lets you create a new B