package Business::OnlinePayment::PayflowPro_v4; use strict; use vars qw($VERSION); use Carp qw(croak); use base qw(Business::OnlinePayment); use LWP; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64); use Data::Dumper; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Headers; # Payflow Pro SDK #use PFProAPI qw( pfpro ); $VERSION = '0.06'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; sub set_defaults { my $self = shift; # $self->server(''); $self->port('443'); $self->build_subs( qw( vendor partner cert_path order_number avs_code cvv2_code ) ); } sub map_fields { my ($self) = @_; my %content = $self->content(); #ACTION MAP my %actions = ( 'normal authorization' => 'S', # Sale transaction 'credit' => 'C', # Credit (refund) 'authorization only' => 'A', # Authorization 'post authorization' => 'D', # Delayed Capture 'void' => 'V', # Void ); $content{'action'} = $actions{ lc( $content{'action'} ) } || $content{'action'}; # TYPE MAP my %types = ( 'visa' => 'C', 'mastercard' => 'C', 'american express' => 'C', 'discover' => 'C', 'cc' => 'C', #'check' => 'ECHECK', ); $content{'type'} = $types{ lc( $content{'type'} ) } || $content{'type'}; $self->transaction_type( $content{'type'} ); # stuff it back into %content $self->content(%content); } sub remap_fields { my ( $self, %map ) = @_; my %content = $self->content(); foreach ( keys %map ) { $content{ $map{$_} } = $content{$_}; } $self->content(%content); } sub revmap_fields { my ( $self, %map ) = @_; my %content = $self->content(); foreach ( keys %map ) { $content{$_} = ref( $map{$_} ) ? ${ $map{$_} } : $content{ $map{$_} }; } $self->content(%content); } sub submit { my ($self) = @_; $self->map_fields(); my %content = $self->content; my ( $month, $year, $zip ); if ( $self->transaction_type() ne 'C' ) { croak( "PayflowPro can't (yet?) handle transaction type: " . $self->transaction_type() ); } if ( defined( $content{'expiration'} ) && length( $content{'expiration'} ) ) { $content{'expiration'} =~ /^(\d+)\D+\d*(\d{2})$/ or croak "unparsable expiration $content{expiration}"; ( $month, $year ) = ( $1, $2 ); $month = '0' . $month if $month =~ /^\d$/; } ( $zip = $content{'zip'} ) =~ s/[^[:alnum:]]//g; $self->server('') if $self->test_transaction; $self->revmap_fields( # (BUG?) VENDOR B::OP:PayflowPro < 0.05 backward compatibility. If # vendor not set use login (although test indicate undef vendor is ok) VENDOR => $self->vendor ? \( $self->vendor ) : 'login', PARTNER => \( $self->partner ), USER => 'login', PWD => 'password', TRXTYPE => 'action', TENDER => 'type', ORIGID => 'order_number', COMMENT1 => 'description', COMMENT2 => 'invoice_number', ACCT => 'card_number', CVV2 => 'cvv2', EXPDATE => \( $month . $year ), # MM/YY from 'expiration' AMT => 'amount', FIRSTNAME => 'first_name', LASTNAME => 'last_name', NAME => 'name', EMAIL => 'email', COMPANYNAME => 'company', STREET => 'address', CITY => 'city', STATE => 'state', ZIP => \$zip, # 'zip' with non-alnums removed COUNTRY => 'country', ); my @required = qw( TRXTYPE TENDER PARTNER VENDOR USER PWD ); if ( $self->transaction_type() eq 'C' ) { # credit card if ( $content{'action'} =~ /^[CDV]$/ && defined( $content{'ORIGID'} ) && length( $content{'ORIGID'} ) ) { push @required, qw(ORIGID); } else { # never get here, we croak above if transaction_type ne 'C' push @required, qw(AMT ACCT EXPDATE); } } $self->required_fields(@required); my %params = $self->get_fields( qw( VENDOR PARTNER USER PWD TRXTYPE TENDER ORIGID COMMENT1 COMMENT2 ACCT CVV2 EXPDATE AMT FIRSTNAME LASTNAME NAME EMAIL COMPANYNAME STREET CITY STATE ZIP COUNTRY ) ); # $ENV{'PFPRO_CERT_PATH'} = $self->cert_path; my ( $response, $resultstr ) = pfprov4( $self->server, $self->port, arrangeParams(\%params), 25 ); # AVS and CVS values may be set on success or failure my $avs_code; if ( exists $response->{AVSADDR} || exists $response->{AVSZIP} ) { if ( $response->{AVSADDR} eq 'Y' && $response->{AVSZIP} eq 'Y' ) { $avs_code = 'Y'; } elsif ( $response->{AVSADDR} eq 'Y' ) { $avs_code = 'A'; } elsif ( $response->{AVSZIP} eq 'Y' ) { $avs_code = 'Z'; } elsif ( $response->{AVSADDR} eq 'N' || $response->{AVSZIP} eq 'N' ) { $avs_code = 'N'; } else { $avs_code = ''; } } $self->avs_code($avs_code); $self->cvv2_code( $response->{'CVV2MATCH'} ); $self->result_code( $response->{'RESULT'} ); $self->order_number( $response->{'PNREF'} ); $self->error_message( $response->{'RESPMSG'} ); $self->authorization( $response->{'AUTHCODE'} ); # RESULT must be an explicit zero, not just numerically equal if ( $response->{'RESULT'} eq '0' ) { $self->is_success(1); } else { $self->is_success(0); } } sub arrangeParams { my $parmlist = shift; my %cleanparms; foreach my $key (keys %$parmlist) { $parmlist->{$key}=~s/"/'/; #quotes (") are not allowed my $length = length($parmlist->{$key}); #we specify the length to allow special chars $cleanparms{$key . '[' . $length . ']' } = $parmlist->{$key} if $parmlist->{$key}; } my $str; foreach my $key (sort keys %cleanparms) { $str.=$key . '=' . $cleanparms{$key} . '&'; # print $key . '=' . $cleanparms{$key} . "&\n"; } chop($str); return $str; } sub pfprov40 { my $host = shift; my $port = shift; my $parmlist = shift || arrangeParams(shift); my $timeout = shift; local @ARGV=( $host, $port, $parmlist, $timeout); require '/mainZero/main0/Users/rperry/perl/'; return (undef); } sub pfprov4 { use strict; use LWP; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64); use Data::Dumper; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Headers; my $host = shift; my $port = shift; my $parmlist = shift; my $timeout = shift; # you might not actually be using these, and I haven't actually # implemented any support for them: my $proxyhost = shift || ''; my $proxyport = shift || ''; my $proxylogin = shift || ''; my $proxypass = shift || ''; my $method = 'POST'; my $uri = 'https://' . $host . ':' . $port . '/transaction'; ## Here's where you get to customize: this could be anything, but I don't ## ever want a duplicate response in testing, so I just go straight off the time; ## alternatively, this could be based on some extract of the parmlist, or ## whatever: my $request_id = md5_base64(time()); my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new( 'Content-Type' => 'text/namevalue', 'X-VPS-Timeout' => '30', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Architecture' => 'x86', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Certification-Id' => '13', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type' => 'Perl', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Version' => '0.1-dev', 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product' => 'Payment::VeriSign', 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version' => '0.01', 'X-VPS-VIT-OS-Name' => 'FreeBSD', 'X-VPS-VIT-OS-Version' => '5.4-STABLE', 'X-VPS-Request-Id' => $request_id ); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new; my $request = HTTP::Request->new($method, $uri, $headers, $parmlist); my $response = $ua->request($request); #print qq{/mainZero/main0/Users/rperry/perl/ $host $port $parmlist $timeout\n=========================\n}; #print $response->content . "\n"; ## Uncomment the next three lines if you want to inspect things more closely: #print "Using server address $uri\n\n"; #print "Basic Response:\n\n" . $response->content . "\n"; #print "Full debug response:\n\n" . Dumper($response);return ($response, undef); return ($response, undef); } 1;