Take the tedium out of starting up Drupal modules from scratch.

This module's release was graciously supported by F5 Site Design 
(http://www.f5sitedesign.com) - purveyors of Open Source Web Applications

This software should be considered alpha quality.  It seems to do what it's supposed to.


To install this module, run the following commands:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

Example using the supplied drupal-module-starter script: 

drupal-module-starter --module=Recording,Artist,Track,Discography,Review,PodCastGenerator,Pony \
  --author="Steve McNabb" --email="smcnabb@cpan.org" \
  --dir=/tmp/drupal/module/example  --hooks=xmlrpc,form,help,info,init,insert,delete,update
 This would create the 7 listed modules, each in its own directory under --dir, with stubs installed for
 the listed --hooks (if any).
hook_name and hook_perm are always generated.


* general tidyup
* add page_ hook support: each page_foo callback should get a simple stub and/or return 
  some dummy content, and a menu item should be generated as well.  
 * fix warning about uninitiailized concat
 * remove use of /usr/bin/php from test harness and add skippable PHP.pm test

Copyright (C) 2005 Steve McNabb - smcnabb@cpan.org

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.