NAME ==== Channel::Pauseable - A Channel which can be paused and more SYNOPSIS ======== ```perl6 use Channel::Pauseable; my $channel =; $channel.send: ...; $channel.pause; $channel.resume; say $channel.recieve; ``` DESCRIPTION =========== Channel::Pauseable is a [Channel](Channel) which can be paused and resumed. It also offers the ability to automatically collect from [Supply](Supply)s or [Tappable](Tappable)s. And can be tapped much like a [Supply](Supply). EXAMPLES ======== There are various usage examples in the "examples" directory. METHODS ======= See [Channel](Channel) for methods inherited from there. new(:$source,:$paused) ---------------------- $source is optional and can be either a [Supply](Supply) or a [Tappable](Tappable). Automatically taps the $source and feeds it into the channel. $paused is a Boolean and defaults to False. It determines the initial state of the Channel. pause() ------- Pause output of the Channel. This method will throw an exception if Channel is already paused. resume() -------- Resume output of the Channel. This method will throw an exception if Channel isn't paused. is-paused --------- True if Channel is paused. poll() ------ This is the same as per a normal [Channel](Channel) but will always return Nil whilst the channel is paused. tap(Tappable $source) --------------------- tap(Supply $source) ------------------- These methods tap the given $source and feeds it into the channel. tap(&emit,:&done,:&quit,:&tap) ------------------------------ This taps the channel as if it was a (live) [Supply](Supply). See [Supply/tap](Supply/tap) for details. Supply ------ Returns a live Supply that is supplied by this channel. AUTHOR ====== Timothy Hinchcliffe <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE ===================== Copyright 2019 Timothy Hinchcliffe This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.