Device::AVR::Info - load data from Atmel AVR Studio device files


     use Device::AVR::Info;
     my $avr = Device::AVR::Info->new_from_file( "devices/ATtiny84.xml" );
     printf "The signature of %s is %s\n",
        $avr->name, $avr->signature;


    This module loads an parses "part info" XML files as supplied with
    Atmel's AVR Studio, and provides convenient access to the data stored
    inside them.


 $avr = Device::AVR::Info->new_from_file( $filename )

    Loads the device information from the given XML file.


 $name = $avr->name

    The device name (e.g. "ATtiny84")

 $architecture = $avr->architecture

    The device architecture (e.g. "AVR8")

 $family = $avr->family

    The device family (e.g. "tinyAVR")

 @ifaces = $avr->interfaces

 $iface = $avr->interface( $name )

    Returns a list of interface instances, or a single one having the given
    name, representing the programming interfaces supported by the device.

    Each is a structure of the following fields.


 @memories = $avr->memories

 $memory = $avr->memory( $name )

    Returns a list of memory instances, or a single one having the given
    name, representing the available memories on the device.

    Each is a structure of the following fields.

     $memory->start # in bytes
     $memory->size  # in bytes
     @segments = $memory->segments

    The segments field returns a list of structures of the following


    Note that all sizes are given in bytes; for memories of 16-bit
    word-size, divide this by 2 to obtain the size in words.

 @ints = $avr->interrupts

 $int = $avr->interrupt( $name )

    Returns a list of interrupt instances, or a single one having the given
    name, representing the interrupt sources available on the device.

    Each is a structure of the following fields.


 @periphs = $avr->peripherals

 $periph = $avr->peripheral( $name )

    Returns a list of peripheral instances, or a single one having the
    given name, representing the peripherals or other miscellaneous
    information available on the device.

    Each is a structure of the following fields.

     $periph->module     # instance of Device::AVR::Info::Module
     $periph->regspace   # instance of $memory
     @registers = $periph->registers
     # instances of $register from Device::AVR::Info::Module

 @group_names = $avr->property_groups

    Returns (in no particular order) the names of the defined property

 \%values = $avr->property_group( $group_name )

    Returns a HASH reference of all the properties in the given property

 $value = $avr->property( $group_name, $prop_name )

    Returns a single value of a property in the given property group.

    Any value given in the XML file in the form of a single hexadecimal
    numerical constant is automatically converted into the appropriate
    integer. Strings of multiple numbers (such as the HVSP and HVPP control
    stacks) are not converted.


    These methods wrap information provided by the basic accessors.

 $sig = $avr->signature

    Returns a 6-character hexadecimal string consisting of the three bytes
    of the device signature.


    Paul Evans <>