NAME Device::Chip::MAX31855 - chip driver for MAX31855 thermocouple amplifier SYNOPSIS use Device::Chip::MAX31855; my $chip = Device::Chip:MAX31855->new; $chip->mount(Device::Chip::Adapter::...->new)->get; my $temp = $chip->read_thermocouple()->get; DESCRIPTION Device::Chip::MAX31855 communicates with the MAX31855 SPI thermocouple amplifier. The MAX31855 is a digital thermocouple amplifier and converter containing a thermocouple measurement circuit, cold junction compensator, and digital SPI interface. It provides temperature measurements of an attached K-type thermocouple and the local cold junction sensor, and can detect faults such as open circuit and short to ground (reading faults is not implemented yet). METHODS read_thermocouple Returns the termperature of the attached thermocouple in degrees Celsius. read_cold_junction Returns the temperature of the local (cold) junction in degrees Celsius. AUTHOR Stephen Cavilia <>