Tk::ROSyntaxText version 1.001

Tk::ROSyntaxText provides a read-only text widget that applies syntax
highlighting to its data. It inherits from Tk::ROText.

Optional modules for testing:
    Test::Perl::Critic 1.02
    Test::Pod 1.14
    Test::Pod::Coverage 1.04


Note for testers and developers:
    If the environment variable CPAN_TEST_AUTHOR is set to a TRUE value,
    additional functionality is switched on while the regression tests are
    1. Windows that are opened as part of the tests need to be closed
       manually. This is to allow a visual check and to test window
       resizing, scrolling and so on.
       There's an 'Exit' button at the bottom of each window.
    2. The following 'quality assurance' tests are run:
       * perlcritic.t   - uses Test::Perl::Critic
       * pod.t          - uses Test::Pod
       * pod-coverage.t - uses Test::Pod::Coverage

Use any of the CPAN utilities, e.g.
    perl -MCPAN -e shell (then 'install Tk::ROSyntaxText')
    perl -MCPANPLUS -e shell (then 'i Tk::ROSyntaxText')
    cpan (then 'install Tk::ROSyntaxText')
    cpanp (then 'i Tk::ROSyntaxText')
    cpan Tk::ROSyntaxText
    cpanp i Tk::ROSyntaxText

Or use the standard 'make' commands for a manual build:

    perl Makefile.PL
    make test
    make install

(you may need to substitute 'make' with a local version of this command,
e.g. 'dmake' if you're using Strawberry Perl)

Or use the Module::Build commands:

    perl Build.PL
    ./Build test
    ./Build install

Installation Diagnostics

skipped: No display detected.
    Test GUIs cannot be displayed so these tests have been skipped.
    The most likely causes are X Server not running or $DISPLAY not set.
    This was introduced in version 1.001 - see the 'Changes' file for
    a fuller explanation.

skipped: Author test. To run: set $ENV{CPAN_TEST_AUTHOR} to a TRUE value.
    Should be self-explanatory.
    "Note for testers and developers" (above) has a few more details.


Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate 0.06
Test::More 0.94


Copyright (C) 2010, Ken Cotterill <>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.