Text::CSV::Track - module to work with .csv file that stores some
    value(s) per identificator


            use Text::CSV::Track;
            #create object
            my $access_time = Text::CSV::Track->new({ file_name => $file_name, ignore_missing_file => 1 });
            #set single value
            $access_time->value_of($login, $access_time);
            #fetch single value
            print $access_time->value_of($login);
            #set multiple values
            $access_time->value_of($login, $access_time);
            #fetch multiple values
            my @fields = $access_time->value_of($login);
            #save changes
            #print out all the identificators we have
            foreach my $login (sort $access_time->ident_list()) {
                    print "$login\n";
            #getting muticolumn by hash
            $track_object = Text::CSV::Track->new({
                    file_name    => $file_name
                    , hash_names => [ qw{ col coool } ]
            my %hash = %{$track_object->hash_of('ident')};
            print "second column is: ", $hash{'coool'}, "\n";
            #setting multicolumn by hash
            $track_object->hash_of('ident2', { coool => 333 } );
            #header lines
            $track_object = Text::CSV::Track->new({
                    file_name           => $file_name,
                    header_lines        => \@header_lines,
                    ignore_missing_file => 1,


    The module manipulates csv file:

    "identificator","value1" ...

    It is designet to work when multiple processes access the same file at
    the same time. It uses lazy initialization. That mean that the file is
    read only when it is needed. There are three scenarios:

    1. Only reading of values is needed. In this case first ->value_of()
    also activates the reading of file. File is read while holding shared
    flock. Then the lock is released.

    2. Only setting of values is needed. In this case
    ->value_of($ident,$val) calls just saves the values to the hash. Then
    when ->store() is called it activates the reading of file. File is read
    while holding exclusive flock. The identifications that were stored in
    the hash are replaced, the rest is kept.

    3. Both reading and setting values is needed. In this case
    'full_time_lock' flag is needed. The exclusive lock will be held from
    the first read until the object is destroied. While the lock is there
    no other process that uses flock can read or write to this file.

    When setting and getting only single value value_of($ident) will return
    scalar. If setting/getting multiple columns then an array.



                      file_name                   => 'filename.csv',
                      ignore_missing_file         => 1,
                      full_time_lock              => 1,
                      auto_store                  => 1,
                      ignore_badly_formated       => 1,
                      header_lines                => 3, #or [ '#heading1', '#heading2', '#heading3' ]
                      footer_lines                => 3, #or [ '#footer1', '#footer2', '#footer3' ]
                      hash_names                  => [ qw{ column1 column2 }  ],
                      single_column               => 1,
                      trunc                       => 1,
                      replace_new_lines_with      => '|',
                      identificator_column_number => 0,
                      #L<Text::CSV_XS> paramteres
                      sep_char              => q{,},
                      escape_char           => q{\\},
                      quote_char            => q{"},
                      always_quote          => 0,
                      binary                => 0,

      All flags are optional.

      'file_name' is used to read old results and then store the updated

      If 'ignore_missing_file' is set then the lib will just warn that it
      can not read the file. store() will use this name to store the

      If 'full_time_lock' is set the exclusive lock will be held until the
      object is not destroyed. use it when you need both reading the values
      and changing the values. If you need just read OR change then you
      don't need to set this flag. See description about lazy

      If 'auto_store' is on then the store() is called when object is

      If 'ignore_badly_formated_lines' in on badly formated lines from
      input are ignored. Otherwise the modules calls croak.

      'header_lines' specifies how many lines of csv are the header lines.
      They will be skipped during the reading of the file and rewritten
      during the storing to the file. After first read of value the
      ->header_lines becomes array ref of header lines. Optionaly you can
      set array ref and set the header lines.

      'hash_names' specifies hash names fro hash_of() function.

      'single_column' files that store just the identificator for line. In
      this case during the read 1 is set as the second column. During store
      that one is dropped so single column will be stored back.

      'trunc' don't read previous file values. Header lines will persist.

      'replace_new_lines_with' [\n\r]+ are replaced by this character if
      defined. By default it is '|'. It is a good idea to replace new lines
      because they are not handled by Text::CSV_XS on read.

      'identificator_column_number'. If identificator is in different
      column than the first one set this value. Column are numbered
      starting with 0 like in an @array. ->value_of and ->hash_of are
      indexed as it the identificator column was not there.

      See Text::CSV_XS for 'sep_char', 'escape_char', 'quote_char',
      'always_quote', 'binary'


      Is used to both store or retrieve the value. if called with one
      argument then it is a read. if called with two arguments then it will
      update the value. The update will be done ONLY if the supplied value
      is bigger.


      Returns hash of values. Names for the hash values are taken from
      hash_names parameter.


      when this one is called it will write the changes back to file.


      this will write to the file but the values will be excel xml
      formated. Combined with proper header and footer lines this can
      generate excel readable xml file.


      will return the array of identificators

    output_row_of($ident, $type)

      $type is one of csv or xml.

      Returns one row of data for given identificator.


      Calls $self->output_row_of($identificator, 'csv').


      Set or get header lines.


      Set or get footer lines.


      Called by destructor to clean up thinks. Calls store() if auto_atore
      is on and closes csv filehandle.


            - ident_list() should return number of non undef rows in scalar context
            - strategy for Track ->new({ strategy => sub { $a > $b } })
            - then rewrite max/min to use it this way
            - constraints for columns
            - shell executable to copy, dump csv file or extract data from it
            - allow having extended csv with header names in every file key=value;key2=value2
            - atomic writes
            - allow extended csv lines, lines that look like:


    Text::CSV::Track::Max, Text::CSV::Track::Min, Module Trac -


    Jozef Kutej - <>


    Copyright (C) 2006 by Jozef Kutej

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or, at
    your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.